Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Inspiration, Triumph and Eye-Candy = TED

I'm a firm believer that we are inundated with bad, sad, and disturbing news all the time because it's titillating! But I think we need a serious dose of good news. We need to hear stories of triumph, of overcoming odds, of people showing how life should be lived. I have the perfect story and it involves a heart attack and 12 days later a triumphant display of recovery!

For many of you my subject today, Ted Guice, is no stranger, for those of you who've not met him... well all I can say is WE ALL NEED TEDS IN OUR LIVES...
Ted Guice - Fitness God!
Ted is one of the fitness trainers at World Gym where Jake and I work out. He also teaches a class he developed called Ted's G-Force Work Out (Formerly Ted's Extreme Fitness). Needless to say, it's an ASS-KICKER! It's the only reason I dare wear a Palm Springs style swim suit: translated... TINY.

Check him out on Facebook and his new Ted Guice fitness blog.

Anyway, today's blog is inspired by this Facebook message one of Ted's great friends - Paul Kevin Perrotta - Facebook posted on December 15th:

"Ted Guice update: I saw Ted late this afternoon. He went to the Desert Regional Hospital ER a couple of nights ago with chest pains and was admitted to the cardiac ICU. He was diagnosed with sepsis (a blood infection) and he had a sepsis-induced heart attack. Tomorrow he will likely have an angiogram, which tells how much of the heart was damaged. He hopes to be out of ICU tomorrow and to leave the hospital by the end of the weekend. He cannot respond to all the texts and phone calls. Having visitors is nice, but he tires easily. *Please do not visit if you even think you have a shadow of a cold.* He is very thankful for your love, support, and good thoughts."

So, everyone who knows and loves Ted watched Paul's updates with baited breath... and then yesterday he posted this message on his wall...

"Good news! Ted Guice is going to lead a post-Christmast G-Force workout tomorrow morning at 10 am at World Gym. I plan to be there. He promises to bust a new move. I'm hoping that means he's bringing donuts and coffee." 

Yes... 12 days after have a life threatening heart attack and possible permanent heart damage, he's back at the gym busting our butts with his energy, joy and just plain silliness! Now if THAT'S not the kind of news we need to hear more of, then what is??? 

I stole a couple more pics from Ted's FB albums because I think they capture the essence of who he is... 

Swanky Ted with Swanky Friends...
Yes, from what I understand, Ted can put on the swanky, at least the way he talks about his martini consumption he can... and he loves dogs... and based on the next picture, his dog (LeDeux) has accurately channeled his energy...
Hmmm, is Ted somehow living with his reincarnated self?
I hope you made it this far in today's blog post. I hope it has inspired you to look for the joy, and triumph around you. I hope it encouraged you to turn off the news, toss the paper, and program your radio to GAGA instead of news-talk for awhile.

Trust me we all have Ted stories in our lives. I'm sure if we look around and listen we will discover stories of triumph that far outnumber all the angst and fear the news media wants to titillate us with.

My hope is that Ted's triumph over a serious situation can inspire us all as we race into 2012!

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